TPIPP’s foray into WTE begun by recycling the waste heat from the cement plants operated by parent, TPI Polene (TPIPL)

TPIPP’s foray into WTE begun by recycling the waste heat from the cement plants operated by parent, TPI Polene (TPIPL). It quickly grew and expanded into municipal solid waste with 250 MW capacity. We are the largest privately-owned WTE-MSW in Southeast Asia. Our 10,000 tons daily MSW uptake translates into 7.66 million tons of CO2e per year. We are expanding into solar power generation and by 2026 TPIPP will have close to 460 MW MSW and 71 MW of solar capacity. In the aspect of Sustainability our goal is to get to Carbon Neutrality by 2037.

We thank the management, employees and all stakeholders for the support and sharing with us this journey.